วันจันทร์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

International Article Marketing

An American reader on Facebook asked me a series of questions about article marketing to develop Canadian and British markets.

Visibility Is Not Marketing

Sure, slapping a series of articles up on the web with the right keywords and keyword density might get you some online visibility. But there are two things you need to think about.

A Numbers Game

In many cases you will need more than a dozen articles.

In fact, you might even need a couple hundred articles on the same subject. Article marketing for online visibility is a numbers game.

If you have the highest number of articles online on a specific subject, you will get good search engine results for your keywords.

Marketing Strategy

The internet does provide an opportunity for international visibility. But it still astounds me how people try to have an international business without... well... any business activities.

The promises of the "get rich quick" style of online marketing are part of the reason why many "online businesses" do not realize you need more to develop an international clientele. You need marketing.

One Marketing Does Not Fit All

There are two assumptions I see experienced marketers make:

First Assumption

  • "I have international clients, therefore I have an international business".

These are usually successful businesses that market to their domestic market, or one broad market.

They know their domestic market very well.

But they base their foreign market knowledge solely on their own experience of the international clients they have. Imagine the increase in sales if they were to market to each country.

Second Assumption

  • This is an automatic assumption that other English speaking countries will respond in the same way.

Most people can see cultural differences between Americans, Canadians, Australians and the British.

Why would you think of marketing to them in the same way?

An easy way to pick up cultural differences is to watch television from different countries.

Every time you visit a foreign country and turn on their television, you experience a culture shock. I found Sunday afternoons the best time to see just how different television can be in different cultures. It is also interesting to compare differences in television series.

Try to put aside your own personal reactions, and then notice the different emotional buttons their television commercials hit for different products.

Their television shows and commercials are different. Because different cultures want different things, and they respond differently.

International Article Marketing

So what about international article marketing?

Well, if you are serious about marketing to different countries, you need to adjust your article marketing in two ways.

1 - Country-Specific Web Marketing

You need to research each country you are targeting. Yes, even if they speak the same language as you do. Here are some questions you need to ask:

  • What keywords do you need in this country?
  • How do you international prospects respond to these keywords?
  • How do they use their search engines when they are looking for your product or services?

Several things may change:

  • Your keywords
  • The leading search engines

2 - Country-Specific Marketing

If you want your articles to bring in international leads, you need to write them with your foreign markets in mind. Here are some questions you need to ask:

  • Is your foreign market interested in your product?
  • What is the competition in this country?
  • What is it about my product that interests my prospect in this country?
  • How do they want to hear about what I have to say?

You may increase your leads by:

  • Emphasizing different features and benefits of your product
  • Hitting different emotions
  • Adjusting your vocabulary and your communication

Understanding Your International Markets

International business is all about understanding your clients in different markets, in different countries.

A shared language can be deceiving. You many think you know foreign cultures, simply because you can easily communicate with them.

But, do you know these foreign markets well enough to you sell to them?

Understanding your international markets is key to more effective marketing to bring in more international sales.

Are you committed to speeding up your international sales cycles?

Learn how to combine cross-cultural marketing tools and international sales strategies for faster sales.

Join us on the International Sales Road Map.

Would you like to develop your international business?
Are you a beginner at international sales and marketing?
Read the Beginners Guide Discover Your International Business.

Cindy King is a Cross-Cultural eMarketer & International Sales Specialist, aligning businesses with different cultures. She has over 25 years field experience in international business development and helps mid-sized business owners create international business development strategies that shorten time to profitability.

