Today's TV sucks! It's nothing but crapola and if you watch it you'll lower your IQ and get dumber.
With that said, as I was channel surfing for some sports over the weekend I came across the classic movie "The Wizard of OZ". It's been a long time since I sat and watched it from beginning to end since I don't usually sit in front of the idiot box for more than an hour or so unless golf is on.
Something unusual happened, I was drawn to pause on the channel and say out loud "This is a great movie." My son was in the room with me and he immediately stopped imagining he was playing baseball, walked over to the couch, leaned against me, and stared at the TV. We were both hooked with curiosity.
I don't like him to watch TV, it creates ADD and ADHD, especially at his age, but The Wizard of OZ is a classic movie so I made an exception. Don't forget it has stood the test of time, it was made in 1939 and still makes a fortune in sales today.
I picked him up and sat him on my lap so we could we watch together. We were both mesmerized until the first commercial. Then when the commercial hit, we snapped out of it, ran around the living room hitting and pitching baseballs until the movie came back on.
They made a tremendous movie and I recognized how many lessons they "subliminally" put into each scene. I know they will help you so here is what we learned from Dorothy's character alone.
1. Set goals. What was hers? To get home.
Like most people, this can be too much and overwhelming and she had no clue where to start. Herein lies secret #2.
2. Ask for help.
She asked and she received. Her teacher, coach, mentor Glinda the "Good Witch of the North" gave her some sage advice. Here's secret #3.
3. "If you don't know where to start, I guess the best place would be to start at the beginning."
Simple and profound. In today's all play, no work, get rich quick society we can easily forget to start at the beginning. Without starting at the beginning we are gonna crash and burn.
Now she knows where she wants to go and where to start the next question is how do I get there? Ahhhh, Secret #4.
4. Just follow the yellow brick road.
There is always a path you can take. Sometimes you just don't see it or recognize that you're already on it.
How easy will your life be when you apply these four life altering secrets? That's up to you. In case you missed them here they are again.
1. Have a goal
2. Ask for help
3. Start at the beginning
4. Follow a path someone has already laid down for you.
Apply these secrets and you'll definitely get to the Emerald City and your job.
P.S. Start at the beginning, click here []
P.P.S. If you need some help recognizing your yellow brick road, email me at for your free 15 minute consultation.
Nolan Richard Berentis