Fishing with baitcasting reels can be very aggravating for the first time. There are some things that you will need to know before attempting to fish with one of these reels. However, once you learn them, you will see why they are becoming so popular. Baitcasting reels were initially used in salt water fishing. There designed for catching bigger fish like a marlin; but anglers started to use them in the freshwater lakes, especially, for largemouth bass and other big game fish.
The first thing you need to know is, baitcasters work better with heavier line -- I wouldn't even attempt any line under 12 pound test. And when you fill your spool with fishing line, don't fill it to the brim, leave at least 1/8 of an inch from the top. Just these few tips alone will save you a boat-load of problems.
Casting is more critical with baitcasters. Don't jerk your rod are whip it; this will cause your lure to travel slower than your line off the spool and leads to the dreadful " Backlash." If you don't know what backlash is, it is simply when your spool over feeds and your line becomes a tangled mess. This is a common occurrence with baitcasters and the biggest complaint. With the proper technique you can avoid these most of the time. Your thumb is used as your break against the spool when casting. You simply press the lever down with your thumb and keep your thumb on the spool to keep your lure from free falling. Then with a nice smooth motion, cast, and when your bait hits the water, press your thumb against the spool again to prevent backlash or overfeeding. You might even try pressing your thumb against the spool before your lure even hits the water.
You have to set your break to your lure. This is the knob on the same side as your handle right next to the star-- the star is your drag. You will want to press the casting lever on your reel and let your lure free fall, once the lure hits the water or ground, the spool should stop spinning, if it doesn't, tighten your break.
Baitcasters also work better with heavier lures. Try to avoid casting into the wind -- this will also cause backlash.
Author: Jamie L Roberts
I have been fishing for a number of years and I have acquired some proven techniques that I believe will help most fisherman. You can read my blogs at