When the movie 300 hit commercials in the forms of previews, there was a huge stir in many communities. The movie looked like it could be the next classic war film- with its stunning visuals and unique story.
The movie was released this March, and made an estimated $71 million- the highest of any movie for the month of March. Not bad for a movie made on a $65 million dollar budget. And budgets are important in this day and age.
The movie tells the story of the famed Spartan war, where 300 battle-hearty soldiers took on foes that outnumbered them in infinite numbers. The classic history lesson has a big moral behind the story- with plenty of gore and action to make it interesting.
The marketing was also a key factor to its success. The movie was marketing to Comic-Con, a comic convention. The popular website Myspace also endorsed the ads on its website for an ad campaign. It had stunning visuals in previews, and literally became a success before it came out.
To those who haven't seen it, many critics have said great things about it. It is highly ranked among many critics, and is considered a must-see for any who are interested in epics, wars, or historical movies. (While the movie isn't exactly accurate historically, it follows a basic timeline of the events). If you think that such advertising has little impact on you, just consider why it is YOU will be watching it.
A master coup for modern day advertising.
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