วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

3 Reasons - Take the Time to Detox

I don't have time, It's to hard, I don't believe it helps, etc,etc,etc..How many more excuses can you come up with, we have heard them all. The steps to detox are simple, as simple as doing maintenance on your car, but people just won't do it. Well, this might explain why the U.S. is way down the list in health. Read further for the reasons you should clean your body out once in a while.

It's not as though your body is asking you to do a detox every day, just once every 6 months or so.

Reasons for a detox.

  1. Quality - what is meant by good health? What is good quality health? These days it seems to vary according to lifestyle and who influences your opinion. If you follow the medical system taking 3 or less prescriptions a day would be good quality. Being able to work 14 hours a day would be good quality for others. Quality has nothing to do with what your body needs these days it has to do with what your body can do, that's until it runs out of gas then who do you blame?

  2. Aging - detoxing your body removes all the toxins that cause aging and deterioration. There is no law written that says to grow old is to grow slow. Only the drug companies have a interest in making you think that old equals problems. There answer for that is more drugs which fill your body with more toxins.

  3. Priority - we have been trained and may we say trained very well by commercials. When you hit 50 years old you will have this problem. Or if you feel run down you should take this drug. Buy this buy that, what is your priority? Is it to the pursuit of things or is it to a balanced healthy happy life. You can't have that if your body gives up on you because you gave up on it.

It's just sad to see health put at such a low priority when it means so much in the overall importance to living. Detoxing is a simple process that produces great benefits for your body. It's not a lot to ask when you realize how much it means to your daily routine.

Find out more about detoxing and other health issues by going to the Health Hub. It's time to take back your Health. It's time to enjoy life again and it's your time to find out about all the choices you have for Good Health.

