In many states, a tarp or some type of covering is needed if you're transporting materials by truck. This includes for both commercial and individual uses. In both instances, materials both large and small can fly out of the back of the truck and hit motorists behind, as well as cause litter on the sides of roads. Whether you're transporting trash or gravel in the back of a truck, a tarp is often needed to cover the load. One can simply be secured around a load in a pickup truck, but for larger trucks, such as dump and flatbed ones, securing the tarp around the load to prevent wind whip takes skill.
Dump trucks typically are required to have a tarp, especially if the load is fewer than twelve inches from the edge of the truck. As tarps in this location can experience wind whip, which leads to tearing later on, they need to be applied correctly, which means that the material should be tight. Loose material covering the truck bed can balloon from the air and, with the air passing through, can lead to wind whip. In many cases, dump trucks have an automatic mechanism for adding a tarp, in which the tarp simply needs to be attached and the truck's function applies it. That's not always the case, however, and workers may be needed to attach the tarp to the truck bed.
Flatbed trucks don't always need a tarp, but, for protecting such materials transported on one, covering material is recommended. Flatbed truck tarps are designed often with dimensions for the load and include flaps on both sides of the tarp. After the tarp has been secured around the load and the two flaps are remaining on either side, secure those with bungee cords at the end. Only after the tarp has been secured around the load should the load be secured to the bed of the truck.
All types of tarps are common for trucks. If a load shouldn't be exposed to water or moisture, a polyethylene or vinyl tarp is often used. If the load can be exposed to water, such as a truck bed full of gravel, a canvas or polypropylene mesh tarp is enough protection for the load.